TAYSE RUGS | Area Rug Wholesaler and Distributor

Using rugs in kitchens has been a home decor hack that’s been around for years. Especially now with the rising popularity of washable rugs, which are perfect in high-spill areas like your kitchen or dining room, using rugs in the kitchen is more normalized than ever. However, the rugs used in these spaces are usually larger area rugs, or runners that are placed in front of sinks or counters. The one type of rug that is often not used enough in kitchens is the throw rug! Throw rugs, or scatter rugs (which typically measure two feet by three feet) are some of the easiest rugs to place and the most inexpensive to buy.

Kitchen throw rugs are a viable choice if you want to add a decorative touch to your kitchen. They are also a practical way to keep your feet cozy while you are cooking. In this article, we will look at the various kinds of kitchen throw rugs that are out there, their advantages, and how to pick the best one for your kitchen.